10 Tips to Get Summer Ready

I walked outside at 5:30 this morning and could already feel the humidity. Summer’s on its way. 🙂 With just 6 weeks to go, here are a few tips to help you get glowing.


  1. Eliminate as much sodium as possible. Getting below 1,500 mg can be very difficult, but < 2,000 is a good start.
  2. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Drink water–lots of it. You take a shower every day, right? Hopefully. Think of hydration like an internal shower.
  3. Your diet should consist of lots of veggies and fruit (mostly veggies), lean sources of protein and healthy fats – eaten in small meals throughout the day.
  4. Cut out refined carbohydrates + sugars (things like bread, pasta, pastries, processed cereals). Some better options are sweet potatoes, brown rice and quinoa.
  5. Fill up on greens: spinach (my favorite), arugula, kale, etc.  Leafy greens are nutrient-rich and contain chlorophyll, which is cleansing and pH-balancing. Add greens to your smoothies as well–promise, it’s good!

  6. Do some form of exercise every day. I say every day because by doing so, you’ll create a healthy habit, and you’ll begin to crave your daily sweat sesh. This way, you’re less likely to miss out. Don’t do the same thing every day, and it doesn’t always have to be high intensity. If I can’t fit in a workout, I’ll at least take a few laps (a couple miles) around my apartment complex with Milano. Just move. Every day.
  7. Drink green tea.
  8. Try using a self tanner. It’s amazing how much better your body looks with a little bit of color! I like the Jergens Natural Glow products–even the facial moisturizer is great and doesn’t make your skin look weird or orange.
  9. Try a ‘detox drink,’ such as warm lemon water and cayenne pepper. This is good for the metabolism and aids in digestion. You can do this daily, and it’s best early in the day.
  10. Be positive and have patience (the hardest part). The human body is seriously amazing. Be grateful that you can even get up out of bed in the morning and for all your body does for you. Consistently work hard with the intention that you value and want to take care of yourself (not because you think you’re gross lol). Focus on how good you feel with the progress you make each day.

just keep swimming


Many of these things will also boost your immunity and help you to feel light and energized.

You’ll be lookin ‘n feelin fly in no time!
– Kacie